Winter Bird Walk #1 - CANCELED
12/18/2019 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET
- Free - Member
- Free - Non Member - Child (10-12 years)
- $3.00 - Non Member
Seven Ponds Nature Center
3854 Crawford Road
Dryden, MI 48428
3854 Crawford Road
Dryden, MI 48428
See what birds are hanging around Seven Ponds.
Even though the calendar says it’s still fall, winter’s icy chill may be firmly upon us. Regardless of the weather, the birds are still out there, being birds! Let’s go see what we can find! Winter visitors such as Dark-eyed Juncos and American Tree Sparrows have joined our year-round residents, and we may find some winter irruptive species as well. Of course, we can always count on our chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, jays, cardinals, and woodpeckers. We’ll start the morning by watching the feeders from indoors, enjoying hot beverages, then we’ll go out in search of other winter birds in the forests and fields around Seven Ponds. Bring your binoculars and field guide, and be sure to dress for the weather.
Neon CRM by Neon One |